Something for everyone
Based out of the Point Roberts Marina, Point Roberts Yacht Club (PRYC) is a collection of boating enthusiasts that believe you get more out of something by getting more into it. Our Club was established on the promotion of participation, education, and sharing of all types of water sports, and to provide a range of social activities & cruising destinations. Feel free to poke around our site, and if you'd like to find out more feel free to contact one of our Board Members (listed here)

Diesel Maintenance Seminar -Sun., Feb. 16!
Free to PRYC Members and PRM tenants. This presentation will address real life scenarios, as well as the knowledge, tools and materials needed to overcome common issues underway.
Jonathan, an ABYC certified mechanic, will focus on common issues, failure points, trouble shooting and the creation of an engine specific maintenance schedule. Reserve by contacting Alan.
Free to PRYC Members and PRM tenants. This presentation will address real life scenarios, as well as the knowledge, tools and materials needed to overcome common issues underway.
Jonathan, an ABYC certified mechanic, will focus on common issues, failure points, trouble shooting and the creation of an engine specific maintenance schedule. Reserve by contacting Alan.
2025 Games nights, first night of fun!
There were lots of laughs at our first night of Winter gaming upstairs in the Marina Room. A few began the night earlier, with a dinner downstairs at The Pier before heading up to board games, 8-ball, goodies, and a whole bunch of fun! There's two more nights scheduled -the last Fri. of each month (Feb. 28, Mar. 28). It would be great to see you there.
There were lots of laughs at our first night of Winter gaming upstairs in the Marina Room. A few began the night earlier, with a dinner downstairs at The Pier before heading up to board games, 8-ball, goodies, and a whole bunch of fun! There's two more nights scheduled -the last Fri. of each month (Feb. 28, Mar. 28). It would be great to see you there.

2025 Winter Series Dates announced!
Please check the website calendar for PRYC and regional race schedule information for the entire year.
Winter Series: Feb 8, 22, Mar. 8, 22, April 5, 26
Please check the website calendar for PRYC and regional race schedule information for the entire year.
Winter Series: Feb 8, 22, Mar. 8, 22, April 5, 26
Happy New Year!
How quickly the the old year wraps up, and the new one begins!!! There's always plenty of bustle around this time, prepping and organizing for the coming year. As a Club, we all benefit from your input, so if you have ideas... please share them with your Board for consideration. Please too, make a point to check back here often; especially over the next few weeks, as the site gets updated to reflect upcoming Club activities for 2025!
How quickly the the old year wraps up, and the new one begins!!! There's always plenty of bustle around this time, prepping and organizing for the coming year. As a Club, we all benefit from your input, so if you have ideas... please share them with your Board for consideration. Please too, make a point to check back here often; especially over the next few weeks, as the site gets updated to reflect upcoming Club activities for 2025!
PRYC Boats take home the awards
Sat., Dec. 7 PRM Christmas Boat Decorating Last year had a big jump in participating numbers, and we hope to see the same happen again this year. It really is a fun activity, and seeing the Basin lit up with all the boats is a sight to behold, for boaters and passers by alike. You can start decorating anytime, but if you're down around the Basin 12/7 (decorating or not), why not stop by the Club Float and say hi. Elves will likely be busy decorating in the morning, but will take their prescribed break for some hot chocolate around 2 o'clock(ish) |
Sat., Nov. 30 PRYC Fall Series Finale
We had great winds, with the rain holding off till after sails were dropped. We had the full spectrum of conditions through out this Series. Thanks to both our Fleet Captain, and all the Skippers and their crews that participated. While we take a break into the new year, stay tuned for our Winter Series schedule (coming out soon) and start preparing for the next campaign beginning Feb. 2025. |
Fri., Nov. 29 PRYC Commodore's Christmas Dinner
Jumping right into his event as Commodore, Greg reigned over a wonderful evening at Beach Grove Golf Club. You've set the bar high for all coming events, Commodore! (more photos to follow) |

Sunday, Nov. 24 PRYC 2024 AGM
Our annual 'State of the Nation'. There's lots of activity happening within the Club, and the AGM is both a day to review our past year as well as embark and prepare for the upcoming year. Our thanks both our past year's and incoming Board under the guidance of Cmdr. Greg.
Our annual 'State of the Nation'. There's lots of activity happening within the Club, and the AGM is both a day to review our past year as well as embark and prepare for the upcoming year. Our thanks both our past year's and incoming Board under the guidance of Cmdr. Greg.

Electrical & Cooling Systems Presentation
We had a full house for Sunday's session w/More McCormack, with 55 PRYC members and PRM tenants getting a chance to learn and educate themselves on these areas of systems maintenance that are often neglected. The delivery and Q&A follow-ups were clear and concise. It's safe to say everyone in attendance learnt something that day. Stay tuned for our next PRYC activity coming early 2025.
Up Next
Members, the AGM is fast approaching (Nov. 24), if you can't make it please assign proxies to a fellow member that can (see previous email for forms)
The Commodore's Christmas Dinner is Nov. 29 (RSVPs by Nov. 2). Again, see emails for more information.
We had a full house for Sunday's session w/More McCormack, with 55 PRYC members and PRM tenants getting a chance to learn and educate themselves on these areas of systems maintenance that are often neglected. The delivery and Q&A follow-ups were clear and concise. It's safe to say everyone in attendance learnt something that day. Stay tuned for our next PRYC activity coming early 2025.
Up Next
Members, the AGM is fast approaching (Nov. 24), if you can't make it please assign proxies to a fellow member that can (see previous email for forms)
The Commodore's Christmas Dinner is Nov. 29 (RSVPs by Nov. 2). Again, see emails for more information.
Thanks to all that have RSVP'ed for our Electrical/Cooling Systems presentation -we've reached our capacity. Stay tuned for future opportunities and PRYC events.
Sunday, Nov. 3...
Take some 'me' time and join us for a presentation on some of the more 'hot spot' items More McCormack finds in his day to day work aboard owners vessels. More is a NMEA, AMEI, and AN2K certified installer. Free to PRM tenants and PRYC members, but remember to RSVP. PRYC AGM -Sun., Nov 24. The AGM is an important part of every functioning Club/organization. Members, please check your emails for formal notice, the agenda, and a draft of last AGM's minutes for review and adoption at meeting start. If you can not make it, please reach out to another member that is attending and complete/forward your proxy to them. Commodore's Christmas Dinner Members, you should have received notice via email regarding the Nov. 29 event. Block out some 'we' time for that date and come out and join your fellow Club members for some great social time. RSVP by Nov. 20 |
Three races in, three VERY different Days....
For Race Day #3, we had a gorgeous day -sunny and warm. Low winds, but a little bit better than forecasted. The US commercial fisheries were open, so some extra navigating to add to the adventure. We threw a mark off the PRM entrance for a start line, rounded Lighthouse Park, then up to the International mark and back through the start/finish. Pleasant sailing for most of the race, with cracker weather. Can't ask for much nicer in October! Next Race is Oct. 26 -come on out and join us! Current Series standings on Racing page.
For Race Day #3, we had a gorgeous day -sunny and warm. Low winds, but a little bit better than forecasted. The US commercial fisheries were open, so some extra navigating to add to the adventure. We threw a mark off the PRM entrance for a start line, rounded Lighthouse Park, then up to the International mark and back through the start/finish. Pleasant sailing for most of the race, with cracker weather. Can't ask for much nicer in October! Next Race is Oct. 26 -come on out and join us! Current Series standings on Racing page.
Members please note....
Minutes from the June 12 Board meeting have now been posted in the members only section of our website . Also, please check/edit your calendar to note the following date changes:
PRYC AGM Nov. 24 (PRM Marina Room)
Commodore’s Xmas Social Nov. 29 (Beach Grove Golf Club)
(stay tuned -more info to follow)
Minutes from the June 12 Board meeting have now been posted in the members only section of our website . Also, please check/edit your calendar to note the following date changes:
PRYC AGM Nov. 24 (PRM Marina Room)
Commodore’s Xmas Social Nov. 29 (Beach Grove Golf Club)
(stay tuned -more info to follow)
Fall Series has begun, but still opportunities to join in!
If you weren't there, you missed a day that had a little bit of everything… some sun before and after racing, 11-15kts. race wind, a squall where you couldn’t see any of the Pt. from the Red PR Bell Buoy, an Environment Canada water spout warning, all capped off with a crack of thunder/lightening! Next race is Nov. 28.
If you weren't there, you missed a day that had a little bit of everything… some sun before and after racing, 11-15kts. race wind, a squall where you couldn’t see any of the Pt. from the Red PR Bell Buoy, an Environment Canada water spout warning, all capped off with a crack of thunder/lightening! Next race is Nov. 28.

Labour Day's upon us, so you know what's next...... Fall Series is fast approaching
Skippers, rattle the crew and get them to mark their calendars, as the Fall Series is about to begin. There's plenty of fun to go around. If you haven't partaken before, let us know and we'll help get you set up -either with your own boat, or try to match you up as crew on another vessel. The more the merrier!!!
Skippers, rattle the crew and get them to mark their calendars, as the Fall Series is about to begin. There's plenty of fun to go around. If you haven't partaken before, let us know and we'll help get you set up -either with your own boat, or try to match you up as crew on another vessel. The more the merrier!!!
Labour Day Cruise Fast Approaching
It will be here before you know it and it would be great to see you there. This go round, we've invited members of IYC to join us. Remember to email our vice-commodore to make sure there's enough salmon on the BBQ for everyone.
It will be here before you know it and it would be great to see you there. This go round, we've invited members of IYC to join us. Remember to email our vice-commodore to make sure there's enough salmon on the BBQ for everyone.
Adventure Check-in
We're now well in to the boating season, with our first extended hot weather high. So what has your water time looked like so far? Inquiring minds want to know. Feel free to submit a photo to share (brag) about your activities to date and we'll add it to the site. |
Canada Day Cruise (Prevost Harbor, Stuart Island) June 29-July 1
Just a reminder that there is a no host cruise to Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island on the Canada Day long weekend. If you wish to join the cruise, please fly your club burgee and introduce yourself to other club boats and enjoy the weekend together.
Just a reminder that there is a no host cruise to Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island on the Canada Day long weekend. If you wish to join the cruise, please fly your club burgee and introduce yourself to other club boats and enjoy the weekend together.
Victoria Day Wknd Cruise: Summary
It was a great weekend. The winds for the Round Saltspring Race were unusually strong and consistent, except for a couple of holes. Prime finished in record time (we found one of those holes) but didn’t receive any hardware. Although it was a pleasure to get a good night sleep for a change. But Mad Dash and Jabiru did our club proud with first and second place finishes respectively in their divisions. The IYC and PRYC joint cruise saw 17 boats at Montague with a wonderful pot luck dinner on Saturday and a Club sponsored dinner at the Hummingbird Pub. By all accounts, everyone had a fantastic time. Let’s keep the success going. Thanks again to Anne Woodson for organizing the event. The more one puts into the Club the more they get out of it, and Anne certainly seemed to enjoy hosting the event and meeting new friends. You say you have photos? Please forward. |
IYC Hosted Victoria Day Wknd Cruise: Montague
Are you signed up yet? Last year was a BLAST -scroll down the page to check out last year's shenanigans. Remember, this year you need to contact both our Commander AND our IYC Host/Organizer (see Commodore's email, April 11). We're looking forward to a large PRYC contingent, as well as this opportunity to get to know a whack of IYC boaters. |

Spring Series -Race #1 Explain to me again about why you'd want to go out for a Tues. night sail? Don't worry if you missed night one, come on out for the next one!
Flag raising & Sail past, Saturday, May 4
Cool and breezy was an upgrade from the forecast we saw a couple days earlier, but opening day activities are always a great start to the year's boating season. Thank you to our dignitaries, guests, and members that made it out. A special thanks to Greg and Cindy who coordinated and ran a great event. Next up is the start of Spring Series (this Tues., May 7), followed by our IYC hosted Victoria Weekend Cruise to Montague. Members, please refer to Commodore Don's email for registration contact info if you're planning to attend; you are planning on attending..... right? (more event photos here) |
Winter Series is wrapped
The final day of racing saw a wild spectrum of conditions -under mostly blue skies- for skippers and crew, followed by chatter and conversation on the N-Dock Club Float. See the Racing page for Day and Series results. Spring Series begins May 7 (Tues. evenings). We're always encouraging more boats -so if you're considering it, get in touch with our Fleet Captain. Skippers, as Winter Series wraps up, please check in w/your crew and see about forwarding any photos you have of this series to the webmaster -there were some great days of sailing in there! |
Activities galore
With the improving weather, the anticipation for increased boating activities are on the rise. This past Saturday, a group of members outdid themselves with some spring cleaning tasks; kayaks got off-loaded from the Club Dock and checked over. While they were off, some additional floatation was added under the corner they normally reside. The dock got a good scrubbing, and our dock gate signs from around the marina got re-installed. Great work, and thank you to all the hands on deck for that one. Friday (April 19) will be our final Games Night of the season. If able, come on out and enjoy a fun night with your fellow members. Saturday (April 20), is the final Winter Series date -if you're interested in the upcoming Tues. night Spring Series begins May 7, make sure to let our Fleet Captain know. May 4 is Flag Raising and Sail Past. If you haven't marked your calendar yet, please do so and plan on attending. |
Another great sail for Winter Series!
While Day 4 was good winds (but very wet), Day 5 was great winds! The final day of Winter Series is on April 20, and we'll switch over to Tues. evenings starting in May, for the Spring Series. If you've thought of racing but haven't, the Spring Series is a great time to start. Contact our Fleet Captain if you want to find out more. (updated results & current standings on Racing page) Top 10 reasons to join in for Tues. night racing After initially publishing this list in 2019, it remains a good reminder from Adam Loory (recently retired from UK Sailmakers) on why racing isn’t just for weekends: 10. You can practice your tactics and maneuvers in a low-pressure environment. 9. You can bring along and train your B Team so they are ready to step-in when your weekend warriors can’t make it. 8. It forces you to get out of the office earlier than usual – bring a co-worker so they can finally appreciate and understand all those odd things they overhear you saying on the phone to crew mates. 7. It’s a great way to get your kids or other juniors out in big boats. 6. Chances are you’ll see a great sunset. 5. You can rotate your crew through different positions, which helps crew members understand maneuvers better. 4. You can sharpen your starting skills. 3. There often is a social element après sailing. 2. You just can’t get enough time on the water. ........ And the #1 reason to do weeknight club racing: 1. They don’t call it “beer can racing” for nothing! |
A lot of boats, a lot of laughs, and a lot of eggs on the Easter Cruise to Roche Harbor!
There was a great turn out to this year's Easter Cruise, and great weather to allow lots of dock time enjoying each other's company. Friday evening began with a getting to know you 'Boat Hop' (as opposed to a 'Bunny Hop'). What began as a friendly game of Bocci Saturday morning became quite the competitive affair; high stakes and high pressures. The afternoon walk to the Distillery wasn't just for the drunken sailors either, with a large group doing the hike over. The evening potluck was an amazing spread and great time to socialize. Top marks to the IYC Commodore for her determination to attend; after holing up at Matia trying to fix her aux., they got a tow back to Bellingham, jumped in a car, and zipped over on the San Juan ferry to partake. Sunday it was watching the kids sprint around the gardens to gather up Easter Eggs; an extra bonus was with one of the Boyle grandchildren finding one of the 'golden eggs' and receiving a special prize. A great time was had by all, and special thanks to Don & Heather for acting as Cruise Hosts for this event. If you have any photos to share, please forward to [email protected] |
Vertical Divider
See more past events below...
Social EventsFrom barbecues, potlucks, game nights, sail pasts, and presentations, there's lots to do with other like-minded boaters. |
CruisingBoth planned and ad-hoc cruises occur throughout the year to a variety of marinas, docks, and anchorages. |
RacingCrafty veteran strategist, or just getting started in it, there's year round series racing in PHRF, as well as Cruiser divisions. |
Affiliated/Agency Links (organizations PRYC either support, or are gov't source agencies relating to pleasure boating)
Council of BC Yacht Clubs Provincial Coastal Marine Parks Marine Parks Forever Society
Council of BC Yacht Clubs Provincial Coastal Marine Parks Marine Parks Forever Society
Past Events (cont.)
Winter Series -another great day!
While initially looking a little lighter than the predictions, we ended up with very nice conditions for Race Day #2. We're certainly not going to say no to this! And with a blink of an eye, our next date is in March. Here's a few shots of the day to enjoy. |

Let the Games begin! There was some serious fun going on at our first games night of the season. Mark your calendar and come on out -third Friday of the month. Next nights are March 15 and April 19.
Winter Series is underway! Dusting off the cobwebs (or scrubbing the hull) after a couple months off, it was great to kick off the Winter Series. Lights winds (but a little better than predicted) with rainless clouds, made for a great start, although the fading breeze and unsympathetic currents created challenges... but great to be back. Thinking you'd like to partake? Our next race is Feb. 24. Contact [email protected] if you're wanting join us. |

Winter Games Night Returns!
Join club members at the Point for the return of Games Night (at the Marina club) on Friday, February 16th (7:00pm start). Who knows what you're in for; bring along a multi player game, and get ready for some fun and laughter! Kick around cruising ideas, your latest repair or install, or just boat chatter in general. Hope to see you there. Please RSVP Cindy at [email protected] by Feb 13
Join club members at the Point for the return of Games Night (at the Marina club) on Friday, February 16th (7:00pm start). Who knows what you're in for; bring along a multi player game, and get ready for some fun and laughter! Kick around cruising ideas, your latest repair or install, or just boat chatter in general. Hope to see you there. Please RSVP Cindy at [email protected] by Feb 13
AGM 2024 Jan. 21, 2024
More of a summary will follow shortly, but Club membership met on this day to both wrap up the past year of activity (and to thank those that have served on the Board over the past year), and to adopt and welcome in Don, Greg (Commodore & ViceCommodore respectively), and new Board. We'll get things around the website updated shortly, but in the interim, these snaps of them -Shane & Don, and Greg will have to do. You can probably tell who's now 'Past' Commodore by the smiles. |
On Jan. 27 the Club invited CoBCYC to give a presentation to inform boaters on what they do on behalf of recreational boaters, and what some of the current (and significant) issues we are facing as a group. Although the weather was not conducive to leaving a warm fireplace at home, we had a good turnout, with 38 in attendance; a healthy mixture of members & non-members. It was very well received -and appreciated. We'd encourage all to check their websites for current info. Members, please check your emails for info and summary from your Commodore. Thanks to the McKillop's for organizing, and others that supported w/goodies and w/setting up. |
Where are you Eastering? Get signed up for our Annual Cruise to Roche Harbor!
This is always a great start to the seasons' boating adventures. If you're planning on attending please remember to let Commodore Don know, as well as booking w/Roche Harbor (include reference to being part of the PRYC cruise). Members, check your Club mail out from the Commodore for more details.
This is always a great start to the seasons' boating adventures. If you're planning on attending please remember to let Commodore Don know, as well as booking w/Roche Harbor (include reference to being part of the PRYC cruise). Members, check your Club mail out from the Commodore for more details.
Baby, it's COLD outside!
...but the days are already starting to get longer. While the weather outside is frightful, there's lots of PRYC happenings right from the get go; members, please check your emails for info regarding the upcoming AGM (Jan. 21). There's also a PRYC/CoBCYC Seminar Jan., 27, and Winter Series begins Feb. 10. Our 2024 schedule is up on the Calendar -mark your personal calendar now and on joining in! |
Merry Christmas and best wishes!
We hope you all are able to create some holiday magic and special memories with family and friends this season -the best gift of all. While things are a little slow for now, you can never start too soon on making plans for the upcoming boating season. January boat shows, and Club sponsored presentations, the AGM, February begins with Winter Series, then cruising starting up again in March. Please check the Calendar for Club dates. |
Festive lights at PRM!
It's great to see so many boats take up the cause and to add some Christmas colour to the PRM Basin. Thanks to membership for jumping in; although our planned install day wasn't the weather we ordered, there's now around 15 vessels lit up. There may become more; the judging for the PRM prizes is scheduled for Dec. 23, so act fast if you want to get in on it. (more pics on Photos page) |
Fall Series is in the books!
After last nights howler of a storm, the wind did the opposite of what was predicted and pretty much shut down. One boat rode in the tail end of the breeze, while others bobbed around for a while. BUT the warm, sunny day could have been mistaken for early October. Stay tuned for the posting of Winter Series dates. |

This could have been you!
Some great weather for mid-October racing! If you were out there, you know. If you weren't..... here's a teaser.
Some great weather for mid-October racing! If you were out there, you know. If you weren't..... here's a teaser.
Fall Series has begun -but it's never too late!
Our first day of Fall Series racing was brisk winds and blue skies; a great day to wrap up September and to kick off the Series! If you were out, you know. If you weren't -but want to be- then why not join us? Member or not, we want to encourage Club activity, and any reason (excuse) we can to get out on your boat and dust off those boating skill cob-webs the better. Whether Skipper or Crew, if you're interested in participating, please fill out the link on the racing page.
Our first day of Fall Series racing was brisk winds and blue skies; a great day to wrap up September and to kick off the Series! If you were out, you know. If you weren't -but want to be- then why not join us? Member or not, we want to encourage Club activity, and any reason (excuse) we can to get out on your boat and dust off those boating skill cob-webs the better. Whether Skipper or Crew, if you're interested in participating, please fill out the link on the racing page.
Labour Day Cruise Shenanigans
It was a cruise to the past when PRYC set off for the 1920's & 30's themed rendezvous at Reid Harbor. Friday arrivals were rafted three deep in prep for the anticipated Saturday dock openings. Over the next few hours we stuffed the larger floating dock with Club boats. As people settled in, there were trivia sheets to see what movies, books, and inventions came from the day. As preparations were made, music of the era set up the fashion show/contest -they were the bee's knees! The potluck may have been based on the 20s and 30s, but tasted fresh and delicious. |
Sunday's activities began with a leisurely era potluck breakfast that proceeded to be worked off with a hike over to the Lighthouse. We managed to get back to the dock as a light rain began to fall -quickly followed by diving for cover as it gained intensity over the next few hours. Although cool, it cleared off and the evening gave us some wonderfully coloured sky's as sunset approached. Monday morning was dry but mixed; by 2pm, most had departed. All agreed it was a great weekend.
Contest winners included:
Cicerone -era words & phrases definitions
Sosueme -era words & phrases fictional/made up definitions
Female costume -Lori (Cicerone)
Małe costume -Shane (Volti Subito)
Special thanks to Debby & Lisa for all their organizing and preparation of this event.
Contest winners included:
Cicerone -era words & phrases definitions
Sosueme -era words & phrases fictional/made up definitions
Female costume -Lori (Cicerone)
Małe costume -Shane (Volti Subito)
Special thanks to Debby & Lisa for all their organizing and preparation of this event.
Spring Series Racing is a wrap
Done. The 2023 PRYC Spring Series is complete with the conditions for this series amongst the best we've ever had. It was also nice to have a final get together after the last race under the new lights of the Club float! For now, enjoy your summer of cruising, but stay tuned for racing to resume in September. We're working on plans for the PRYC Classic on September 16th - a long and short distance race, followed by the fall series which will be September through November. |

Sat., May 27 -PRM & PRYC Safety Day
Open to all. Along with PRM, we are organizing a Safety Day that will include vessel inspections by RCM-SAR and USCGAux done right on N-Dock, instructions for self inspection/checks of fire extinguisher, and an opportunity to discharge & dispose of your expired flares. Sign up for vessel inspection times here.
Open to all. Along with PRM, we are organizing a Safety Day that will include vessel inspections by RCM-SAR and USCGAux done right on N-Dock, instructions for self inspection/checks of fire extinguisher, and an opportunity to discharge & dispose of your expired flares. Sign up for vessel inspection times here.
May 20-22 PRYC Victoria Day Cruise -Montague Harbour
We had a great Club Cruise to Montague, with 10 boats attending. While it took some patience (and a little luck), we got all the 36' and less boats on the dock, and the larger boats on buoys. The weather co-operated, lots for all to do, and a good time was had by all! Most survived the group trek over to the Marina store for Ice-cream, the Hummingbird Bus ride, and even the PRYC Gaming GP event. Teams competed in Croquet GP, (not always) Speed Jinga, and Team Bocci. Let's leave it at there was lots of enthusiasm and more than one team had to do some 360's at the marks. There was a great spread of potluck eats at the Sunday night Salmon BBQ, and we all had a hot pancake & bacon breakfast before most headed off to catch the 1300hr push through Active; crossing the Straight in 8-12kts on the beam for a not too lumpy ride home. Thanks to all that attended, thanks to all that helped out, and it was especially nice to welcome Greg & Cindy (Crowded House), and Darren & Lori (Tusket) to their first cruise with the Club. Click here for more photos -if anyone has event photos to share, please send them along to be added. |
Opening Day
So the Boating Season is officially on once again! Every full on activity feels refreshing. It was great to socialize with members and honoured guests up in the Marina Room and to follow that up with a full Flag Raising. We had representatives from US Border Protection, RMC-SAR, PR Fire/Emergency Services, Point Roberts Marina, Westwind Marine, and Westwind Canvas Shop, along with PRYC members and other boaters from around the marina. See the Photos page for more. UPDATE -a nice caption will be included in the next issue of the AllPointBulletin, or check it out on their website. |

The Spring Series returns, Tues., May 2!
Shake out the sails, the Spring Series will soon be upon us! We want to encourage Club activity, and any reason (excuse) we can to get out on your boat and dust off those boating skill cob-webs the better. Whether Skipper or Crew, if you're interested in participating, please fill out the link on the racing page. Races begin May 2nd, and are Tues. nights (1900 start time) until June 28.
Shake out the sails, the Spring Series will soon be upon us! We want to encourage Club activity, and any reason (excuse) we can to get out on your boat and dust off those boating skill cob-webs the better. Whether Skipper or Crew, if you're interested in participating, please fill out the link on the racing page. Races begin May 2nd, and are Tues. nights (1900 start time) until June 28.
PRYC Season Opening, Flag Raising, and Sail Past -Sat., May 6, 2023
As we return to full on activity, we are excited to return to a full Season Opening and Sail Past. This year in particular, we strongly encourage all members to make a point of attending; whether your boats in the basin, or elsewhere. For the Sail Past component, PRM based skippers are encouraged to invite members w/o vessels aboard for Sail Past. Please come and join us to celebrate the commencement of the 2023 Boating Season at the Point Roberts Yacht Club. Appropriate dress is encouraged. The event times are as follows:
11:30 SOCIAL
Members and guests meet at the Marina Club for appetizers provided by PRYC. Skippers of all vessels meet for Sail Past briefing and then everyone proceeds to the Flag Mast.
The ceremony takes place at the Flag Mast, followed by the blessing of the Fleet. All vessels leave the marina in time to arrive at the designated rendezvous area at sea by 13:45
Review by Commodore Shane Fawkes on s/v Volti Subito. A lead powerboat and lead sailboat will be identified at the skippers meeting. All boats will arrange themselves behind their lead vessel in order of decreasing size and proceed to be reviewed by the Commodore, who will be anchored to the east of the marina entrance unless stated otherwise at the skippers meeting. With many of our members still dispersed beyond the basin, PRM based members are encouraged to man their own boats to present the greatest number of Club boats to the Commodore. Skippers, there will be members attending the event w/o boats in the basin; we actively encourage skippers to invite them aboard in in interest of camaraderie amongst the Club.
Members and Guests are invited to join us following the Sail Past. Please bring an hors-d’oeurve and your drink of choice to the dingy dock on “N” Dock.
As we return to full on activity, we are excited to return to a full Season Opening and Sail Past. This year in particular, we strongly encourage all members to make a point of attending; whether your boats in the basin, or elsewhere. For the Sail Past component, PRM based skippers are encouraged to invite members w/o vessels aboard for Sail Past. Please come and join us to celebrate the commencement of the 2023 Boating Season at the Point Roberts Yacht Club. Appropriate dress is encouraged. The event times are as follows:
11:30 SOCIAL
Members and guests meet at the Marina Club for appetizers provided by PRYC. Skippers of all vessels meet for Sail Past briefing and then everyone proceeds to the Flag Mast.
The ceremony takes place at the Flag Mast, followed by the blessing of the Fleet. All vessels leave the marina in time to arrive at the designated rendezvous area at sea by 13:45
Review by Commodore Shane Fawkes on s/v Volti Subito. A lead powerboat and lead sailboat will be identified at the skippers meeting. All boats will arrange themselves behind their lead vessel in order of decreasing size and proceed to be reviewed by the Commodore, who will be anchored to the east of the marina entrance unless stated otherwise at the skippers meeting. With many of our members still dispersed beyond the basin, PRM based members are encouraged to man their own boats to present the greatest number of Club boats to the Commodore. Skippers, there will be members attending the event w/o boats in the basin; we actively encourage skippers to invite them aboard in in interest of camaraderie amongst the Club.
Members and Guests are invited to join us following the Sail Past. Please bring an hors-d’oeurve and your drink of choice to the dingy dock on “N” Dock.

Club Work Party/Spring Cleaning -Sat., April 22
If you look back to where we were 1 year ago, there was a lot(!) that needed doing. It's come a LONG way and after Saturdays crew finished, it's looking (almost) better than new. Mike had us working so hard there was not time to snap any photos, so you'll have to settle for these 'after' photos until you come down and check it out for yourself.
If you look back to where we were 1 year ago, there was a lot(!) that needed doing. It's come a LONG way and after Saturdays crew finished, it's looking (almost) better than new. Mike had us working so hard there was not time to snap any photos, so you'll have to settle for these 'after' photos until you come down and check it out for yourself.
Roche Harbor Easter Cruise
The Club’s annual Easter cruise to Roche Harbor was another success. Despite the dire wind and rain warnings, the weather gods cooperated, and the high winds and rain held off for a calm crossing on Friday. The wind did show up for Saturday and Sunday, but by then we were are snug at dock, and there was no rain until Sunday afternoon, and then only intermittently. Monday brought flat seas for a calm return home. |
The weather forecast, family health issues and mechanical problems reduced our numbers, but not our enthusiasm. Roche put us on the original guest docks and provided us with a heated tent for our exclusive use. That was a much appreciated bonus. We had lots of laughs, walks/hikes, happy hours, and communal dinners in the tent.
Heather brought many wind up chickens, and refereed an adult and youth competition for the longest lasting chickens.
We very much enjoyed our new members Chester, Lauren, adorable daughter, and Golden Retriever Laska.
Another great cruise
Heather brought many wind up chickens, and refereed an adult and youth competition for the longest lasting chickens.
We very much enjoyed our new members Chester, Lauren, adorable daughter, and Golden Retriever Laska.
Another great cruise
Start the cruising season by joining us. Easter Cruise to Roche Harbor
Members, as we start our first truly full season of post-Border Closure activity, it would be great to see as many as possible join in for the Easter Cruise to Roche. You should already have received sign up info via Don (Cruise Host). You can also check the Cruising page; it has all the info/instructions for the event and how to partake. Contact Don for further info.
Members, as we start our first truly full season of post-Border Closure activity, it would be great to see as many as possible join in for the Easter Cruise to Roche. You should already have received sign up info via Don (Cruise Host). You can also check the Cruising page; it has all the info/instructions for the event and how to partake. Contact Don for further info.
March Games Night -that's a wrap
It's been fun getting Club members together over the 'off-season' and keeping in touch. With conversation shifting more towards everybody's boating plans, you know people are ready to get going. While done for now, we'll start this up again as the weather starts to turn again in late fall. Thanks to all that participated. February Games Night The valentine's hearts were put away and after a banter-filled meet up for dinner downstairs at Breakwaters -the games began. There was something for everyone, as members circulated between table games and the pool table. Congrats to Alan -winner of the Timmy's card. Why not throw your hat into the ring next time? Bring some Irish luck with you; next night is St. Patricks Day (Fri., Mar. 17). Hope to see you there. |

Winter Racing resumes
The Winter Racing Series starts up again Feb. 11. Participation has been increasing over the past two Series and we hope to see that trend continuing. All you need is one beautiful, sunny race day to remind you how great that early season sail can be. Contact Murray or Shane to register or for more info, head over to the Racing page. As we get back to routine, we are asking Racing Skippers to provide proof of insurance; please forward a pic/pdf.
The Winter Racing Series starts up again Feb. 11. Participation has been increasing over the past two Series and we hope to see that trend continuing. All you need is one beautiful, sunny race day to remind you how great that early season sail can be. Contact Murray or Shane to register or for more info, head over to the Racing page. As we get back to routine, we are asking Racing Skippers to provide proof of insurance; please forward a pic/pdf.
![]() Games and Grub!
Join club members at the Point for dinner at the Breakwater followed by games at the Marina club on Friday, February 17th. Dinner between 5:30 and 7:30 (it is easier on the limited staff if we don’t all arrive at once) then upstairs for board games, billiards and cards. Let’s support our Club and businesses at the Point and make use of the Marina facility! Dinner is on your hook; the club will provide a few refreshments. Even if you don’t come to dinner, join us for games. Hope to see you on February 17th. RSVP to Debby by email at: [email protected] by Feb 14 |
Al & Barb will soon be rolling out info on membership renewal. If you recall, we shifted our membership period to the end of March the year before CoVid shut things down, and we elected to temporarily waive fees during that time. Now that we've returned to stable access to the Point, are fully operational, and have normalized Maritime entry in/out of both countries, we will be returning to our normal dues/fees schedule. And...... a great opportunity to flash that fresh membership card would be at the Roche Harbor Easter Cruise (April 7-10). Mark your calendar now and plan on attending. |
Games Night!
This Friday is the 3rd one of the month, so that means 'Games Night' at the Marina Room (7:00pm). What a great way to start off the New Year, to start kicking around ideas for the upcoming season, and enjoy the company of other members. There's a nice pool table, some somewhat straight pool cues, darts, and what every board games people bring with them. No matter what, you'll have some good laughs. You have to be there to win, and that goes for the draw prize as well. Please RSVP so we have an idea of numbers.
This Friday is the 3rd one of the month, so that means 'Games Night' at the Marina Room (7:00pm). What a great way to start off the New Year, to start kicking around ideas for the upcoming season, and enjoy the company of other members. There's a nice pool table, some somewhat straight pool cues, darts, and what every board games people bring with them. No matter what, you'll have some good laughs. You have to be there to win, and that goes for the draw prize as well. Please RSVP so we have an idea of numbers.
Update to N-Dock Club Float
A busy crew of members were hard at work last weekend assembling/installing the Float shed (after removing the old, broken one). In addition to doors that actually remain attached, the extra interior space will make retaining an organized space much easier to maintain. A special thanks to Mike and his assembled crew of volunteers that made this happen. |

Merry Christmas!
On behalf the Board, we wish you all the best for the Season. May you, yours, and your boat stay warm, toasty, and dry. As we turn the page into 2023, please take a moment to note club dates/activites on our calendar page and start playing your year -it will be here before you know it.
PRYC Commodore
On behalf the Board, we wish you all the best for the Season. May you, yours, and your boat stay warm, toasty, and dry. As we turn the page into 2023, please take a moment to note club dates/activites on our calendar page and start playing your year -it will be here before you know it.
PRYC Commodore
Club Social @ Riverhouse Sat., Nov. 26
Sat., Nov. 26 6:00pm
*The Riverhouse requires firm numbers 1 week prior. MUST CONFIRM BY NOV. 19 with Shane. Don't be disappointed -book early!
The restaurant will cordon of a separate section for us to use, and the Club will provide some trays of appies (6pm). You are on your own hook for dinner and you can place your dinner orders (off the menu) anytime after you arrive. Looking forward to seeing you.
Sat., Nov. 26 6:00pm
*The Riverhouse requires firm numbers 1 week prior. MUST CONFIRM BY NOV. 19 with Shane. Don't be disappointed -book early!
The restaurant will cordon of a separate section for us to use, and the Club will provide some trays of appies (6pm). You are on your own hook for dinner and you can place your dinner orders (off the menu) anytime after you arrive. Looking forward to seeing you.
Notice of AGM: Sunday, Nov. 13. 4:00pm @ PR Marina Room
It's that time of year again, but it will be nice to return to an in-person. Minutes (subject to approval at this AGM) of the 2021/22 AGM can be found in the members only section of the website.
It's that time of year again, but it will be nice to return to an in-person. Minutes (subject to approval at this AGM) of the 2021/22 AGM can be found in the members only section of the website.
Encore Racing Seminar (Part 2):'Pre-Race tactics, local knowledge, start timing & positioning, and sail settings for racing'
There was great enthusiasm, and a lot of good knowledge shared by Dave Jackson last Wednesday night -and like every good presenter, he left the audience wanting more. So he's agreed to do a 'Part 2' again this Wednesday (Sept. 21), at 7:00pm in the Marina Club. It will focus on: pre-race tactics and local knowledge; how to start on time in a good position; and basic sail settings for racing. All are welcome, and while it will build on last weeks session, it is not a prerequisite for attending this one.
There was great enthusiasm, and a lot of good knowledge shared by Dave Jackson last Wednesday night -and like every good presenter, he left the audience wanting more. So he's agreed to do a 'Part 2' again this Wednesday (Sept. 21), at 7:00pm in the Marina Club. It will focus on: pre-race tactics and local knowledge; how to start on time in a good position; and basic sail settings for racing. All are welcome, and while it will build on last weeks session, it is not a prerequisite for attending this one.
Fall Series Racing
The Fall Series begins Saturday, Sept. 17. If you have not registered yet, please contact Shane [email protected]. Skippers meeting @ 9:30am on Club Float (N dock), Race 1 starts at 10:30
The Fall Series begins Saturday, Sept. 17. If you have not registered yet, please contact Shane [email protected]. Skippers meeting @ 9:30am on Club Float (N dock), Race 1 starts at 10:30
Racing Seminar: 'Starts, starting rules, and getting around the course basics'
Dave Jackson is doing a seminar this week at the Marina Club. ‘Starts, starting rules, and getting around the course basics’. Wed., Sept. 14 at 7:00pm. Dave does a great job of explaining things; you don’t need to be an active racer to learn something here. And if you are, you are sure to gain from attending. (check out this past weekend’s SailGP Race 5 start and begin the arm-chairing!)
Dave Jackson is doing a seminar this week at the Marina Club. ‘Starts, starting rules, and getting around the course basics’. Wed., Sept. 14 at 7:00pm. Dave does a great job of explaining things; you don’t need to be an active racer to learn something here. And if you are, you are sure to gain from attending. (check out this past weekend’s SailGP Race 5 start and begin the arm-chairing!)
Summer season quickly closing
I hope you had a great summer that included as much boating as you aimed for. Ours felt great; like we were able to make up for some of the lost time over the past couple years. I’ve had a chance to speak with some of you about your adventures; if you have any photos you’d like to share with the club, please forward them to [email protected], and we’ll get them up on our website to share.
I hope you had a great summer that included as much boating as you aimed for. Ours felt great; like we were able to make up for some of the lost time over the past couple years. I’ve had a chance to speak with some of you about your adventures; if you have any photos you’d like to share with the club, please forward them to [email protected], and we’ll get them up on our website to share.
N Dock is the new home of PRYC Float
With so many out enjoying our boats, we waited until this past weekend to garner up volunteers to move the Club float over to N Dock. Slow and steady, the float, our volunteers, and the boats of E, F, N, and O, all made it unscathed. We still need to adjust some cleat placements and re-position a few things, but a big job done. |
Returning to PRM? Great, but check first
If you've been moored elsewhere and are looking at repositioning back to PRM, make sure you get the most up to date border transiting information, and to check both land and maritime requirement. Currently (Jan. 28, 2022), returning to Canada from Point Roberts by LAND is straight forward, but returning to Canada from PR by boat, requires negative PCR test, quarantine plan, etc. While we can't wait to get the fleet back in place, be sure to factor in your boat use plans and compare that to crossing requirements.
If you've been moored elsewhere and are looking at repositioning back to PRM, make sure you get the most up to date border transiting information, and to check both land and maritime requirement. Currently (Jan. 28, 2022), returning to Canada from Point Roberts by LAND is straight forward, but returning to Canada from PR by boat, requires negative PCR test, quarantine plan, etc. While we can't wait to get the fleet back in place, be sure to factor in your boat use plans and compare that to crossing requirements.
Labour Day Cruise -Reid Harbor
It was great to return to Reid Harbor, Stuart Isl. for our Club Labour Day Cruise. While small, at only 3 boats attending (Lameka, Excelsis, Volti Subito), a great time was had by all. Visiting and sharing stories, games, a hike out to the lighthouse, all capped with some rousing chorus’ of ‘I’s d’by’ during the sing-alongs! We even had others from the dock joining in. While Volti stopped in to Roche for re-provisioning before Reid, we checked in with the dockmaster to make sure they’re expecting PRYC for our Easter 2023 cruise -never too early to mark a calendar. :^)
It was great to return to Reid Harbor, Stuart Isl. for our Club Labour Day Cruise. While small, at only 3 boats attending (Lameka, Excelsis, Volti Subito), a great time was had by all. Visiting and sharing stories, games, a hike out to the lighthouse, all capped with some rousing chorus’ of ‘I’s d’by’ during the sing-alongs! We even had others from the dock joining in. While Volti stopped in to Roche for re-provisioning before Reid, we checked in with the dockmaster to make sure they’re expecting PRYC for our Easter 2023 cruise -never too early to mark a calendar. :^)
PRYC Fall Series is fast approaching
The schedule is now out, beginning on Sat. Sept. 17. Info has also gone out to membership via email (if you did not receive, let us know). Skippers, be sure to let us know you're interested by contacting Shane asap. Don't have a crew, loop us in and we'll help to get members interesting in crewing connect with boats looking to fill the cockpit. If you're not interested in being aboard a boat, but in supporting/administering events, let us know that as well. The more the merrier! |
PRYC Labour Day Cruise
It would be great to see as many as possible as we return to our traditional Labour Day destination. If planning on attending please let us know asap at either our Cruising Page, or via an email to Shane.
It would be great to see as many as possible as we return to our traditional Labour Day destination. If planning on attending please let us know asap at either our Cruising Page, or via an email to Shane.
GREAT NEWS JUST IN -Most marine reporting sites opening as of May 20
-it appears that the Gulf Island NEXUS/TRS ports of entry are opening today! There may be some delay in selecting these locations in your ArrCAN app. Please check here for details.

2022 Season Opening (Sat. May 14)
Holding our breath with an eye on the weather, we gathered at the Marina Club as we began the days activities -mainly a chance to visit; catch up, and talk about the upcoming season (it does have to get 'spring-like' eventually.... right?). While you wouldn't call it warm, the afternoon rain held off as Members celebrated the first Season Opening at Point Roberts since 2019(!). Although we began to see patches of blue towards the end of the ceremony, we opted -instead of E-Docktails- to carry on back upstairs to the comforts of the Marina Clubhouse. For more photos, click here.
Holding our breath with an eye on the weather, we gathered at the Marina Club as we began the days activities -mainly a chance to visit; catch up, and talk about the upcoming season (it does have to get 'spring-like' eventually.... right?). While you wouldn't call it warm, the afternoon rain held off as Members celebrated the first Season Opening at Point Roberts since 2019(!). Although we began to see patches of blue towards the end of the ceremony, we opted -instead of E-Docktails- to carry on back upstairs to the comforts of the Marina Clubhouse. For more photos, click here.
PRYC Concurrent Cruises -Victoria Day Long Weekend
PRYC Concurrent Cruises -Victoria Day Long Weekend
We need your input and help in organizing the Victoria Long Weekend Cruise. Over the past few years we've held this Cruise at Montague; lots of fun for all, with most being able to work their way onto the Park dock. It also works great for those racing in the Round Saltspring race -they simply join us after completion. The anticipated May 1 re-opening of Gulf Island Nexus clearing sites did not materialize, which may be problematic for PRM/US moored vessels wishing to partake. Prior to Montague, a raft up at Shallow Bay, Sucia Island was a regular destination for this long weekend. So we looked at pro's and con's each, and thought 'Why not both?'. That's where you come in. If offered, who would plan on attending, and at what destination? From there, if there's sufficient interest, we need someone to take the lead at each location. Nothing onerous, just helping gather members as they arrive/check in and schedule some Club social time. We can help with that. Don't forget, if there isn't enough response and you're still heading out to either destination, fly/keep an eye out for PRYC burgees. Please click here to fill out the form.
PRYC Concurrent Cruises -Victoria Day Long Weekend
We need your input and help in organizing the Victoria Long Weekend Cruise. Over the past few years we've held this Cruise at Montague; lots of fun for all, with most being able to work their way onto the Park dock. It also works great for those racing in the Round Saltspring race -they simply join us after completion. The anticipated May 1 re-opening of Gulf Island Nexus clearing sites did not materialize, which may be problematic for PRM/US moored vessels wishing to partake. Prior to Montague, a raft up at Shallow Bay, Sucia Island was a regular destination for this long weekend. So we looked at pro's and con's each, and thought 'Why not both?'. That's where you come in. If offered, who would plan on attending, and at what destination? From there, if there's sufficient interest, we need someone to take the lead at each location. Nothing onerous, just helping gather members as they arrive/check in and schedule some Club social time. We can help with that. Don't forget, if there isn't enough response and you're still heading out to either destination, fly/keep an eye out for PRYC burgees. Please click here to fill out the form.
2022 vessel restrictions regarding Resident killer whales are now out.
Know your responsibilities and areas closed to transit. Click here for details.
Know your responsibilities and areas closed to transit. Click here for details.

The Spring Series returns!
PRYC is thrilled to announce the Spring Series is a go! The fleet may be small, but we want to encourage Club activity and any reason (excuse) we can to get out on your boat and dust off those boating skill cob-webs. Whether Skipper or Crew, if you're interested in participating, please fill out the link on the racing page. Races begin May 10, are Tues. nights (1900 start time) until June 28.
PRYC is thrilled to announce the Spring Series is a go! The fleet may be small, but we want to encourage Club activity and any reason (excuse) we can to get out on your boat and dust off those boating skill cob-webs. Whether Skipper or Crew, if you're interested in participating, please fill out the link on the racing page. Races begin May 10, are Tues. nights (1900 start time) until June 28.
A 'cool' Easter Cruise
While this years' Easter was later on the calendar, the temperatures were more March-like than April. The four boats attending had a nice week-end out on their boats, and a chance to mingle. The cold morning northerly squashed Saturday mornings dinghy run up to the coffee/bakery up the bay, but good eats and banter up at Syrene's for dinner that night. While Monday's forecast of very strong winds didn't live up to the warning, it did move up some travel plans to depart on Sunday rather than Monday, but a good time was had by all.
While this years' Easter was later on the calendar, the temperatures were more March-like than April. The four boats attending had a nice week-end out on their boats, and a chance to mingle. The cold morning northerly squashed Saturday mornings dinghy run up to the coffee/bakery up the bay, but good eats and banter up at Syrene's for dinner that night. While Monday's forecast of very strong winds didn't live up to the warning, it did move up some travel plans to depart on Sunday rather than Monday, but a good time was had by all.

Spring Cleaning on the E-Dock Club Float
Thanks to everyone that scrubbed, power-washed, cleaned out (and moved) sheds, organized, and in our first activity back at PRM exemplified the fun of being back down at the docks, together. The questionable weather cleared, and we had the sun peaking out as we enjoyed hot dogs, beer, and great chatter to wrap things up. Well done, and thanks again! Check out more of the action here.
Thanks to everyone that scrubbed, power-washed, cleaned out (and moved) sheds, organized, and in our first activity back at PRM exemplified the fun of being back down at the docks, together. The questionable weather cleared, and we had the sun peaking out as we enjoyed hot dogs, beer, and great chatter to wrap things up. Well done, and thanks again! Check out more of the action here.
The return to 'normal' is becoming more... normal
The upcoming April 1 removal of testing requirements for travellers (or PRYC boaters) returning to Canada couldn't be timed better for PRM boaters. With April 1 also being annual moorage renewal at many marinas on the west coast, its removal (the testing requirements) will once again allow us to transit into the Gulf Islands almost as easily as we could pre border closure (plus arriveCAN and random testing). This is good news indeed.
April 10 Club Dock Clean-up
Things are looking a bit grubby down at the E-Dock Club float, so we're having a work party on Sun., April 10 starting at 10:00am -it would be great to see folks there. If you're able to attend, please let us know. We could use a few power-washers (and hoses), buckets, and stiff scrub brushes.
The upcoming April 1 removal of testing requirements for travellers (or PRYC boaters) returning to Canada couldn't be timed better for PRM boaters. With April 1 also being annual moorage renewal at many marinas on the west coast, its removal (the testing requirements) will once again allow us to transit into the Gulf Islands almost as easily as we could pre border closure (plus arriveCAN and random testing). This is good news indeed.
April 10 Club Dock Clean-up
Things are looking a bit grubby down at the E-Dock Club float, so we're having a work party on Sun., April 10 starting at 10:00am -it would be great to see folks there. If you're able to attend, please let us know. We could use a few power-washers (and hoses), buckets, and stiff scrub brushes.
Easter Cruise April 15-18
Have you made your reservation yet? Destination Poet's Cove. 15 slips held until March 15. Check the Cruising page for more info
Have you made your reservation yet? Destination Poet's Cove. 15 slips held until March 15. Check the Cruising page for more info
PRM Annual Moorage April 1
It's hard not to find the joke in there, but just a reminder that PRM bills April to April. Remember to check Border Crossing requirements if returning your vessel from Cdn waters.
It's hard not to find the joke in there, but just a reminder that PRM bills April to April. Remember to check Border Crossing requirements if returning your vessel from Cdn waters.
Added Bilge Dryness
My winterizing of Volti Subito has always been minimal; I like(ed) to do weekly check ins on her, and could easily take care of issues as they appeared. For example, if....
My winterizing of Volti Subito has always been minimal; I like(ed) to do weekly check ins on her, and could easily take care of issues as they appeared. For example, if....
How's your boat doing? -a note from P/C Don
This season is different for most of us. Usually we have quick and easy access to check/use our boats 24/7, but few are experiencing that this year. There are a few different monitoring options out there for boats..... (cont. reading in the Board Blog)
This season is different for most of us. Usually we have quick and easy access to check/use our boats 24/7, but few are experiencing that this year. There are a few different monitoring options out there for boats..... (cont. reading in the Board Blog)
Merry Christmas members
On behalf of your PRYC Board, I'd like to wish you all a joyous Christmas season. Honestly, when I went to pen this note to you two weeks ago, things appeared to be moving forward (finally) in a way that was looking reasonable; we even had an in-person Club event at the Boat House. In the long term, the concern/caution over this latest variant is prudent, we so too hope that it proves to be more of a 'bump' in the recovery process. While everyone hoped/wished we'd be experiencing a 'normal' Christmas this year, it's not quite as close to that as we'd all like. The Board has already begun planning for the coming year -updates have started going up on the website calendar. Please take the time to fill out the Poll -sent to you via email, or accessible through the members only page of this site.
Last year around this time, we were wishing you a return to normalcy; we still are, and it is a little closer. But we are also wishing you the joy of family and friends, and to comfort in the simple things that can mean so much.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and the best of the Season to you all.
On behalf of your PRYC Board, I'd like to wish you all a joyous Christmas season. Honestly, when I went to pen this note to you two weeks ago, things appeared to be moving forward (finally) in a way that was looking reasonable; we even had an in-person Club event at the Boat House. In the long term, the concern/caution over this latest variant is prudent, we so too hope that it proves to be more of a 'bump' in the recovery process. While everyone hoped/wished we'd be experiencing a 'normal' Christmas this year, it's not quite as close to that as we'd all like. The Board has already begun planning for the coming year -updates have started going up on the website calendar. Please take the time to fill out the Poll -sent to you via email, or accessible through the members only page of this site.
Last year around this time, we were wishing you a return to normalcy; we still are, and it is a little closer. But we are also wishing you the joy of family and friends, and to comfort in the simple things that can mean so much.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and the best of the Season to you all.

Boathouse Social
And like that... it's December. The desire and support of our Dec. 10 get together at the Boat House was great to see. Thanks Debby for organizing! Ernie sent this photo that I think captures the camaraderie -but insists it didn't capture the volume! (If anyone else has photos to share, please forward)
And like that... it's December. The desire and support of our Dec. 10 get together at the Boat House was great to see. Thanks Debby for organizing! Ernie sent this photo that I think captures the camaraderie -but insists it didn't capture the volume! (If anyone else has photos to share, please forward)
2021 Virtual AGM
Held virtually on Nov. 14, we set the course for another year. We are cautiously optimistic as PR accessibility becomes easier and less restrictive -whatever the new normal is (we liked the old), we await with anticipation. The majority of Directors have agreed to stay on, but we do have positions that we would like to fill and encourage membership to strongly consider offering to serve; it is our Club, and you're voice is encouraged. Please contact the Commodore if you have any questions about ways you can be involved. See below for your 2021/2022 Board, as well as positions we would love members to consider take on. For those already aboard; thank you in advance for your service.
Held virtually on Nov. 14, we set the course for another year. We are cautiously optimistic as PR accessibility becomes easier and less restrictive -whatever the new normal is (we liked the old), we await with anticipation. The majority of Directors have agreed to stay on, but we do have positions that we would like to fill and encourage membership to strongly consider offering to serve; it is our Club, and you're voice is encouraged. Please contact the Commodore if you have any questions about ways you can be involved. See below for your 2021/2022 Board, as well as positions we would love members to consider take on. For those already aboard; thank you in advance for your service.
Activity updates
With the upcoming re-opening of the Border, the Board wanted to get input from membership regarding gathering to help guide us in how (and how quickly) we move forward with our activities. Over half the Club responded -thank you- with the responses showing desire for cautious movement forward. You’ll find the results at Members Only>Meeting Minutes on the website if you're interested.
We both want -and need- to offer a group activity as we head into Winter, but our briefly renewed use of PRM's Club House prior to the Closure is not a practical option yet. You should have received an email invite for a PRYC social at the River House for Dec. 10, beginning at 6:00pm -current health orders will be in place. Please let us know asap if you're planning on attending ([email protected]); we look forward to seeing you there.
Our AGM is approaching, and we hope you'll be able to make that as well. While the Board weighed the Live/Virtual formats, the Survey response made the choice of Virtual an easy one. There's a great core of current members that have agreed to continue serving, but there are vacant positions we really would like to see filled. If you haven't sat at the table before (or if it's been a while), please consider it. Especially as we chart our way forward through the Border re-opening, the regular refreshment of ideas & voices around the table helps continue active club participation. If you're interested in serving and/or would like to find out more about what's involved (high pressured it's not), don't hesitate to contact myself, or any of the Board.
We look forward to seeing you Virtually, in person, and maybe even on the docks, in the not too distant future.
With the upcoming re-opening of the Border, the Board wanted to get input from membership regarding gathering to help guide us in how (and how quickly) we move forward with our activities. Over half the Club responded -thank you- with the responses showing desire for cautious movement forward. You’ll find the results at Members Only>Meeting Minutes on the website if you're interested.
We both want -and need- to offer a group activity as we head into Winter, but our briefly renewed use of PRM's Club House prior to the Closure is not a practical option yet. You should have received an email invite for a PRYC social at the River House for Dec. 10, beginning at 6:00pm -current health orders will be in place. Please let us know asap if you're planning on attending ([email protected]); we look forward to seeing you there.
Our AGM is approaching, and we hope you'll be able to make that as well. While the Board weighed the Live/Virtual formats, the Survey response made the choice of Virtual an easy one. There's a great core of current members that have agreed to continue serving, but there are vacant positions we really would like to see filled. If you haven't sat at the table before (or if it's been a while), please consider it. Especially as we chart our way forward through the Border re-opening, the regular refreshment of ideas & voices around the table helps continue active club participation. If you're interested in serving and/or would like to find out more about what's involved (high pressured it's not), don't hesitate to contact myself, or any of the Board.
We look forward to seeing you Virtually, in person, and maybe even on the docks, in the not too distant future.
Border re-opening draws near.
With the re-opening of the US Border to Canadians announced for Nov. 9, it certainly is light at the end of what has been a very bleak tunnel for the last 20 months. While we know it's re-opening, there are also plenty of questions surrounding how access will differ from our usual access at what has historically been a very open and unrestricted entry point into our US neighbours playground of Point Roberts.
As we hear of official updates, we'll let you know here and through Club email-outs. For now, don't hesitate to contact the Marina if you're looking for any info regarding their facilities. It might be a good idea to confirm with them your intentions of return and confirmation of slip assignments.
With the re-opening of the US Border to Canadians announced for Nov. 9, it certainly is light at the end of what has been a very bleak tunnel for the last 20 months. While we know it's re-opening, there are also plenty of questions surrounding how access will differ from our usual access at what has historically been a very open and unrestricted entry point into our US neighbours playground of Point Roberts.
As we hear of official updates, we'll let you know here and through Club email-outs. For now, don't hesitate to contact the Marina if you're looking for any info regarding their facilities. It might be a good idea to confirm with them your intentions of return and confirmation of slip assignments.
Great to be out -Labour Day Rendezvous at Montague (Sept. 4-6)
We're so active, PRYC had two events -the first and the last cruise of the season- at the same time! But it truly was great to be together again as the Club. We had 12 boats and 29 people coming from their various mooring locations. We started scattered between buoys, an anchored raft, and the dock, and by Sunday all boats able to be on the dock were. With most's schedules now including a Friday night ferry, the bulk arrived Sat. in time for Social Hour up above the dock in the picnic area. Unfortunately, the rain arrived about the same time. Sunday's weather improved for our morning walk around the Peninsula, and we all had a good time cheering on/partaking in the Blindfolded Paddler-double handed race, won by Cicerone. By Social time, the weather was much more conducive, and everyone continued simply enjoying each others company... or maybe now, a little more. Participants, if you have some photos to share, please forward them here.
We're so active, PRYC had two events -the first and the last cruise of the season- at the same time! But it truly was great to be together again as the Club. We had 12 boats and 29 people coming from their various mooring locations. We started scattered between buoys, an anchored raft, and the dock, and by Sunday all boats able to be on the dock were. With most's schedules now including a Friday night ferry, the bulk arrived Sat. in time for Social Hour up above the dock in the picnic area. Unfortunately, the rain arrived about the same time. Sunday's weather improved for our morning walk around the Peninsula, and we all had a good time cheering on/partaking in the Blindfolded Paddler-double handed race, won by Cicerone. By Social time, the weather was much more conducive, and everyone continued simply enjoying each others company... or maybe now, a little more. Participants, if you have some photos to share, please forward them here.
Busy summer of boating
While it's harder to keep track of activity, members haven't been letting their alternate moorage locations get in the way of getting out and enjoying the waters. With access south of the Border closed, it's not too surprising that many headed towards Desolation Sound (and beyond). That also created a lot of impromptu opportunities for members to (re)connect in person with other PRYC members. While there was an ebb & flow as paths crossed, the largest came at Laura Cove around the BC Day weekend. If you have any photos to share of your time on the water this summer, please forward them here. To see more photos, go to our Photos page.
While it's harder to keep track of activity, members haven't been letting their alternate moorage locations get in the way of getting out and enjoying the waters. With access south of the Border closed, it's not too surprising that many headed towards Desolation Sound (and beyond). That also created a lot of impromptu opportunities for members to (re)connect in person with other PRYC members. While there was an ebb & flow as paths crossed, the largest came at Laura Cove around the BC Day weekend. If you have any photos to share of your time on the water this summer, please forward them here. To see more photos, go to our Photos page.
(Being able to cruise again. Great news, but continue to be mindful -for others, as well as yourselves
I think there's a collective sigh of relief that we can cautiously return to cruising/crossing regional provincial boundaries as the summer boating season is now upon us. At its July 15 meeting, your Board discussed how quickly we could create/resume activities, and while leaving the Father's Day Cruise (at Telegraph Cove) on the list, it will become a no host event; if you do head in that direction be sure to fly your burgee/watch for others and enjoy some not too close human interaction/conversation. Because of the holding pattern we've been living at a Club level, the majority of members we spoke with had already made alternate plans for the Canada Day weekend. FYI, the Saturna Lamb Roast (a component of our tentative activities) is also not happening this year. For these reasons, we have chosen to not sponsor a Canada Day Cruise. BUT... plans are in the works for Labour Day, so stay tuned. (can we insert yet another plug for boarding our WhatsApp group here?)
I think there's a collective sigh of relief that we can cautiously return to cruising/crossing regional provincial boundaries as the summer boating season is now upon us. At its July 15 meeting, your Board discussed how quickly we could create/resume activities, and while leaving the Father's Day Cruise (at Telegraph Cove) on the list, it will become a no host event; if you do head in that direction be sure to fly your burgee/watch for others and enjoy some not too close human interaction/conversation. Because of the holding pattern we've been living at a Club level, the majority of members we spoke with had already made alternate plans for the Canada Day weekend. FYI, the Saturna Lamb Roast (a component of our tentative activities) is also not happening this year. For these reasons, we have chosen to not sponsor a Canada Day Cruise. BUT... plans are in the works for Labour Day, so stay tuned. (can we insert yet another plug for boarding our WhatsApp group here?)
Stay tuned for potential activities as BC plans forward -Phase 2 begins June, 15
While we don't have certainty, there is a plan in place. The on schedule movement to Phase 2 announced today allows for organized gatherings (with some restrictions), and recreational travel across Health Regions. With that, the Father's Day and Canada Day Cruises have a potential of happening (yeah!). Keep up to date by checking in here for updates.
While we don't have certainty, there is a plan in place. The on schedule movement to Phase 2 announced today allows for organized gatherings (with some restrictions), and recreational travel across Health Regions. With that, the Father's Day and Canada Day Cruises have a potential of happening (yeah!). Keep up to date by checking in here for updates.
WhatsApp PRYC Members?
An email intro/invite and instructions to access our WhatsApp groups has been sent out to membership. Additional info is available in our members only section.
An email intro/invite and instructions to access our WhatsApp groups has been sent out to membership. Additional info is available in our members only section.
If you haven't checked it out already, the PRYC website has been revamped (, and it is fantastic!
We are hoping that you will find it easy and enjoyable to use, and we hope that it will be an effective way for us all to stay connected. The Covid pandemic still has us all separated, but we are hopeful that we can come together again soon. In the meantime, let's stay in touch via the website, AND A SCAVENGER HUNT!!! (see the Board Blog for full details)
If you haven't checked it out already, the PRYC website has been revamped (, and it is fantastic!
We are hoping that you will find it easy and enjoyable to use, and we hope that it will be an effective way for us all to stay connected. The Covid pandemic still has us all separated, but we are hopeful that we can come together again soon. In the meantime, let's stay in touch via the website, AND A SCAVENGER HUNT!!! (see the Board Blog for full details)
Optimistically looking forward –with caution
As the Province gradually eases restrictions, their lead -and whatever guidelines of the moment- will continue to determine our Club activities. Having said that, there are many of our traditional events and activities listed on the calendar in anticipation of resuming, but will be dictated by the Provincial Guidelines leading into that time. For a list of up to date Province-wide restrictions, click here.
As the Province gradually eases restrictions, their lead -and whatever guidelines of the moment- will continue to determine our Club activities. Having said that, there are many of our traditional events and activities listed on the calendar in anticipation of resuming, but will be dictated by the Provincial Guidelines leading into that time. For a list of up to date Province-wide restrictions, click here.

Navigational Hazard, PRM entrance
Earlier today, the Marina sent out notification of limited access to free moorage for out of country vessels. But it appears access is again closed; I just received this update on their current status. They included this drone footage of a Panamanian Freighter named Ever Given lodged bow and stern in the Marina entrance.
ps……. April Fools
Earlier today, the Marina sent out notification of limited access to free moorage for out of country vessels. But it appears access is again closed; I just received this update on their current status. They included this drone footage of a Panamanian Freighter named Ever Given lodged bow and stern in the Marina entrance.
ps……. April Fools
CoBCYC meeting reports
It looks like a lot of info was shared at their last meeting, you can always use the link towards the bottom of this page as well. Highlights included some info on proposed changes to Pleasure Craft Licensing/Registration, updates to CHS access and what's available directly through them, and lots more.
It looks like a lot of info was shared at their last meeting, you can always use the link towards the bottom of this page as well. Highlights included some info on proposed changes to Pleasure Craft Licensing/Registration, updates to CHS access and what's available directly through them, and lots more.
So how (and where) are you? We want pictures! (Dec. 5, 2020)
Not much conversation down in the Basin these days, but folks still want to know what's going on! We're asking for two different categories of photos.... First, we'd love to include a shot of your boat secured at its' new, temporary digs. Second, help keep us in the loop with 2 or 3 photos and a one paragraph summary of your post-closure boating highlights. Simply send it to [email protected] as an email, and we'll do a weekly feature right here! A 'What I did on my summer vacation' assignment of sorts.
Not much conversation down in the Basin these days, but folks still want to know what's going on! We're asking for two different categories of photos.... First, we'd love to include a shot of your boat secured at its' new, temporary digs. Second, help keep us in the loop with 2 or 3 photos and a one paragraph summary of your post-closure boating highlights. Simply send it to [email protected] as an email, and we'll do a weekly feature right here! A 'What I did on my summer vacation' assignment of sorts.
Welcome to our new virtual hangout! (Dec. 3, 2020)
The framing's done, sheeting and roof's on, and the windows are in! There's still a lot of finishing carpentry to do, but the new site's taking shape and has a nice new look and feel to it. Members -poke around and let us know what you think. Feel free to offer up suggestions. Please note there are sections that are password protected, but we could not carry over your previous passwords from the old host site. We also can't invite you in to create your new passwords until the new site is activated; a bit of a 'Chicken or Egg' scenario. We'll reach out via an email invite as soon as that happens. ***Members, invitations have now been sent to your email as listed in the Roster. If needed, please contact Dan at [email protected] to update it.
Flickr Meisters.... if you're well versed in the art of finessing Flickr, your webmaster could use some help. Contact at [email protected]
The framing's done, sheeting and roof's on, and the windows are in! There's still a lot of finishing carpentry to do, but the new site's taking shape and has a nice new look and feel to it. Members -poke around and let us know what you think. Feel free to offer up suggestions. Please note there are sections that are password protected, but we could not carry over your previous passwords from the old host site. We also can't invite you in to create your new passwords until the new site is activated; a bit of a 'Chicken or Egg' scenario. We'll reach out via an email invite as soon as that happens. ***Members, invitations have now been sent to your email as listed in the Roster. If needed, please contact Dan at [email protected] to update it.
Flickr Meisters.... if you're well versed in the art of finessing Flickr, your webmaster could use some help. Contact at [email protected]
Easter Cruise Cancelled
At Tuesday night's regular meeting, the Board made the decision to cancel our Easter Cruise to Port Browning Marina, based on current Provincial Guidelines. The Board knows we're all looking forward to being able to meet up again on the water and resume more normal activities. While we would have hoped we were further along the path of eased restrictions at this point, we will continue to remain optimistic as dates close in on scheduled Club events. Unfortunately, we also anticipate there may be future/further cancellations as well. As always, we will post current info on the website, as well as via Club bulk emails. Stay safe and stay healthy.
At Tuesday night's regular meeting, the Board made the decision to cancel our Easter Cruise to Port Browning Marina, based on current Provincial Guidelines. The Board knows we're all looking forward to being able to meet up again on the water and resume more normal activities. While we would have hoped we were further along the path of eased restrictions at this point, we will continue to remain optimistic as dates close in on scheduled Club events. Unfortunately, we also anticipate there may be future/further cancellations as well. As always, we will post current info on the website, as well as via Club bulk emails. Stay safe and stay healthy.
Easter Cruise status... stay tuned!
Wanting to provide notice to members of potential PRYC activity dates as the Province opens up, one of the first things the Board began with was creating a Cruise schedule; but we also recognized that any activities would be contingent on Provincial guidelines. That will remain in place. While continuing to make the necessary plans normally required for organizing a cruise, we have a 14 day cancellation window with the marina and will use that if the situation warrants. The Board has a regularly scheduled meeting this coming week where a final decisions on the Easter Cruise will take place. FWIW, the alternative –not initiating marina bookings– would have ran the risk of nothing being available should we be allowed. I know we all look forward to being able to meet up again on the water, it’s just the moving target of when. Stay tuned, and we will keep you posted.
Wanting to provide notice to members of potential PRYC activity dates as the Province opens up, one of the first things the Board began with was creating a Cruise schedule; but we also recognized that any activities would be contingent on Provincial guidelines. That will remain in place. While continuing to make the necessary plans normally required for organizing a cruise, we have a 14 day cancellation window with the marina and will use that if the situation warrants. The Board has a regularly scheduled meeting this coming week where a final decisions on the Easter Cruise will take place. FWIW, the alternative –not initiating marina bookings– would have ran the risk of nothing being available should we be allowed. I know we all look forward to being able to meet up again on the water, it’s just the moving target of when. Stay tuned, and we will keep you posted.
Inaugural Board Meeting (Dec. 8, 2020)
Stay tuned as we scope out and develop our coming year's plan and schedule.
Stay tuned as we scope out and develop our coming year's plan and schedule.

Happy New Year!!!
While it's been a stormy year for PRYC boaters to say the least, we look forward to turning the page. Keep you, your family, and your vessel safe -let's help get to our boating normal as quickly as possible. As 2021 begins, remember so too does the winter storm season. Wherever your vessel is moored, consider how different accessing/checking your boat has become. Case in point, a severe Arctic storm is developing off Alaska, which should impact us here in the next few days. Consider reaching out to other members moored at your location to buddy up on boat checks, etc. As of NY eve, here's a WeatherChannel synopsis for the first few days of 2021.
While it's been a stormy year for PRYC boaters to say the least, we look forward to turning the page. Keep you, your family, and your vessel safe -let's help get to our boating normal as quickly as possible. As 2021 begins, remember so too does the winter storm season. Wherever your vessel is moored, consider how different accessing/checking your boat has become. Case in point, a severe Arctic storm is developing off Alaska, which should impact us here in the next few days. Consider reaching out to other members moored at your location to buddy up on boat checks, etc. As of NY eve, here's a WeatherChannel synopsis for the first few days of 2021.
AGM and incoming 2020/21 Board (Nov. 23, 2020)
Minutes from the recent AGM should be being distributed around the same time as this site update goes live. Watch your inbox for it! You'll find the Board directory under the 'About PRYC' header. Thank you to those that served for the past year. Many stayed on for another year, but we do have some vacancies we'd like to see filled. If you're interested in finding out more about the roles, please contact the Commander or any of the Board members.
Minutes from the recent AGM should be being distributed around the same time as this site update goes live. Watch your inbox for it! You'll find the Board directory under the 'About PRYC' header. Thank you to those that served for the past year. Many stayed on for another year, but we do have some vacancies we'd like to see filled. If you're interested in finding out more about the roles, please contact the Commander or any of the Board members.

Virtual Racing & Dock Time ( May 23, 2020)
PRYC activities on Sat. May 23 had a small, but enthusiastic group out tearing up the cans over in the Mediterranean, one-design racing on J/70s first, then a runs on some twitchy Flyers. Lots of fun -definitely different- and we'll look at doing it again soon. Afterwards, we Zoomed over to some dockside appies and beverages and to catch up with some other members. Thanks again to Vern! A fun, thinking outside the box, afternoon.
PRYC activities on Sat. May 23 had a small, but enthusiastic group out tearing up the cans over in the Mediterranean, one-design racing on J/70s first, then a runs on some twitchy Flyers. Lots of fun -definitely different- and we'll look at doing it again soon. Afterwards, we Zoomed over to some dockside appies and beverages and to catch up with some other members. Thanks again to Vern! A fun, thinking outside the box, afternoon.
Notice to all members (Mar. 18, 2020)
The Club’s Board has been actively monitoring developments and considering whether to retain or cancel Club activities, and yesterday (Mar. 18) we agreed to cancel all Club events until further notice. Under the circumstances it was not a tough decision to make. We wish you well, and hope that by this summer we will all be healthy and stronger and enjoying the pleasures of boating in the warm sunshine with family and good friends. Stay healthy and happy, and enjoy the company of those closest to you.
Donald S. Boyle Commodore
(This information will be updated as status changes)
The Club’s Board has been actively monitoring developments and considering whether to retain or cancel Club activities, and yesterday (Mar. 18) we agreed to cancel all Club events until further notice. Under the circumstances it was not a tough decision to make. We wish you well, and hope that by this summer we will all be healthy and stronger and enjoying the pleasures of boating in the warm sunshine with family and good friends. Stay healthy and happy, and enjoy the company of those closest to you.
Donald S. Boyle Commodore
(This information will be updated as status changes)
Games Night -wrap up (March, 2020)
Everyone that attended agreed; these were fun way to spend a Friday night down at the marina. Unfortunately, we weren't able to complete the last scheduled night due to the Border closure, but we'll sure be back to avenge losses when we return to it again when the long, dark nights of winter begin to re-appear.
Everyone that attended agreed; these were fun way to spend a Friday night down at the marina. Unfortunately, we weren't able to complete the last scheduled night due to the Border closure, but we'll sure be back to avenge losses when we return to it again when the long, dark nights of winter begin to re-appear.
Racing -Summer Series (Summer 2019)
The re-introduction of 'White Sails Only' to the Spring Series has been a great addition. The Summer Series begins July 9. Questions or registration should be directed towards our Fleet Captain David Jackson. Remember the Racing Seminar Fri., July 5 -19:30 in the PRM Clubhouse.
The re-introduction of 'White Sails Only' to the Spring Series has been a great addition. The Summer Series begins July 9. Questions or registration should be directed towards our Fleet Captain David Jackson. Remember the Racing Seminar Fri., July 5 -19:30 in the PRM Clubhouse.
Canada Day -Poets Cove/Bedwell Hbr./Winter Cove (July, 2019)
An excellent turnout, with 10 boats and 29 attending. Lots of fun to be had by all; a boat hop, appy pot-luck on the docks, a group dinner @ Sirens, and a couple of Birthday Celebrations. Monday, many continued on to Lamb BBQ at Saturna before returning back to PRM.
An excellent turnout, with 10 boats and 29 attending. Lots of fun to be had by all; a boat hop, appy pot-luck on the docks, a group dinner @ Sirens, and a couple of Birthday Celebrations. Monday, many continued on to Lamb BBQ at Saturna before returning back to PRM.